Tuesday, March 16, 2010

To Grandmother's House We Go!

Some of my most treasured memories growing up are of a place tucked in the woods of southern New Hampshire called Pickity Place. It is a 200 year old house that was used as inspiration for the illustrations of the 1948 version of "Little Red Riding Hood". Today it is not only a quaint museum to the story, but also an amazing place to eat lunch. They have their own herb and vegetable gardens, and beautiful flowers in the summer. They have a set menu for each month, and this month's was absolutely delicious.

I must say, though, that when you're a small child, yummy vegetable laden entrees don't seem so appealing. When my sister and I were younger, we would get Pickity Place's version of a happy meal...Little Red Riding Hood's basket with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple, and a postcard to send to Grandma. We always showed up in full Little Red attire, with our handmade red cloaks. Our journey to Pickity was always well worth it, even when venturing down the winding roads through the woods (our Mother would scare us with tales of the wolf peering out from the trees watching us).

BUT, I digress a bit. I took pictures of our absolutely delicious 5 course meal of garlic and tomato dip, roasted yellow pepper soup with rice and thyme, a three-bean salad, irish farmhouse bread with chive butter, bacon, ricotta and spinach pastry with broccoli polonaise and a maple fudge bar with orange creme anglaise! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it all...

If you're ever in NH, you must visit (especially in the summer, when you can visit the gardens!)

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow, it sounds like such a quaint little place. Would love to visit it one day!