Friday, October 31, 2008

To Fur or Not to Fur?

So lately I've been having this awful moral dilemma. Everywhere I go, class, on the street, online, I am surrounded by beautiful fur coats and vests. mink and rabbit, gorgeous and soft. Up until now, I would have never even thought of buying something that is real fur, because I am an animal lover to the core. However, when learning about how furs and leathers are made, I started to think a bit differently. I mean, I'm not a vegetarian, I wear leather shoes and purses. I don't know. But then again, I could cry every time I see or hear about someone with a chinchilla fur coat, especially when I think back to my lovely chinchilla babies just a few years ago. And I started to rationalize the fact that the only way I could ever buy fur is if it is vintage, because it was made so long ago. I have old hats that I have taken apart that are fur to make headbands, and I am Ok with that. I don't know. And I'm perfectly fine with wearing faux fur coats and such, I'm just trying to figure out where I stand on this... Thoughts, opinions????! I need help...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I want I want:

Here are some things I am pining over at the moment:

This bow scarf/collar thing from mousseauchocolat.

this just screams warm and cozy and perfect for winter. I think I am going to challenge myself to make one.....

booties with bows on them. mmm. these lovelies are from F21.

more bows :) surprise!

DEERHOOF tonight :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

mixtape monday anyone?

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

thanks to daydream lily :)

I love

Here are some things I am thinking about right now:

the original tights as pants girl edie sedgwick. Thinking of when I watched Factory Girl and how afterwards even though I was terribly depressed at such a sad ending to a life all I really wanted to do was run around in tights and one giant chandelier earring chain-smoking.

I have been listening to this singer Meiko non-stop lately. I am in a soft-girly music mood.

some nice back seam tights. If I had any money I would buy them today.

I love it when you go and get coffee and they make a pretty design on top. I went to Provence cafe yesterday in Hillsboro Village with Mack and Morgan and it was lovely. Grilled Cheese from Bongo Java is always amazing too.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fashion is fashion.

"What is art, what is architecture, what is fashion?" he demanded when asked about the connection between Hadid's work and his own. "All those things, one should not put it in the same melting pot. Architecture is architecture, fashion is fashion, and art is art. We don't need art, but we cannot live without it." He seemed to have made his point, but then amended, thoughtfully, "Actually, architecture we need because otherwise we are freezing, and clothes we need because we cannot run around naked."

-Karl Lagerfeld on Zaha Hadid's Mobile Art Pavilion.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I am feeling so dull lately. Sorry about injecting my personal life into this blog right now, but I feel the need. School and work is wearing on me, even though I feel as though I am getting enough sleep and such. I am just not my usual sparkly self. So here is an apology to all of my friends who have been putting up with my zombie-like/catatonic self lately...I do not mean anything by it!
In happier things....

Today Libby Callaway came by and talked to my Intro to Fashion class at O'more. It was very interesting and I am dying to check out her vintage booth at the Gaslamp Antique Mall here in nashville. Besides being a stylist, she also writes for The City Paper in Nashville, and has her own blog on their website

I was perusing her website and I really adore the photoshoot she styled here:
pretty pretty pictures

(I would post the pictures here, but I would not want to step on anyone's feet by doing so. But do check it out!)

and simply to make myself feel better, here is one of my favorite photos with the first vintage feather headband I ever found :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cold enough for neff!

My day consisted of:
1.) getting locked inside the store
2.) spilling coffee all over my erin fetherston cupcake least it was kind of in the same color family (however the coffee was free so that should make up for it somehow, no?)
3.) making potatoes for dinner and splashing hot oil on my neck. ow.
4.) realizing I have an accounting project due thurs that I have really yet to start...
5.) realizing also that I left my computer charger at the store. nice.
Excuse my frumpiness at the moment, I looked cute today I swear. I wore light pink tights, my erin skirt, a plain white tee and my mr. gray cardigan with black ankle booties. imagine it. cute.

So here now, is the blog introduction of my beloved black neff hat. I lived in this thing last winter. It is making a comeback. Plus, it looks quite lovely with slouchy dresses and tights and boots. yes.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Leather and Tartan

Party babies last night. Alas something happened to my camera last night and so until I can figure out how to get it fixed there will be no more picture posts :( . Or I will be resorting to the lovely photobooth on my mac.....ick. However, I am glad I got pictures of last night, at least. I am in love with my outfit.

fake leather jacket- b.b. dakota
tee- f21
skirt - erin fetherston for target
tights- target
headband- handmade by me
and I was wearing my black patent peeptoe laceup pumps, which you cannot see...

another shot of the lovely bow I am in love with. I am wearing it now at work :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Your Pretty Pretty Petticoat

It finally feels like fall and that makes me happy. Today I debuted my newly altered vintage petticoat slip. Perfect with a long sweater and tights.

tights- gap
suede flats- gap

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I love ewe

So this weekend we had a nice family outing to the renaissance fair in north carver, MA. I always love looking at the costumes that are always there. It's this brand called Moresca, and every year i can't help but get sucked into wanting to be a little fairy or some sort of medieval nymph. This year they had this frayed white costume that I thought looked like a sheep, and couldn't help but notice looked like so many dresses on the runway this season. I could not find any pictures but it's amazing I promise...

It reminded me specifically of this dress by Frank Tell, that I have seen in all of the magazines and online lately. I am obsessed with it. Something about looking like a cloud, or an airy little something. And that you can also look fierce at the same time, with some nice black tights.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Elf Toes

I am home until tomorrow. New shoes! And pictures of my lovely kittnesses, Bee and Ollie, respectively.

Elf Shoes- Aldo.

now it's off to eat Chinese food and work on my resume for class. Back to Nashville tomorrow loves!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Moonlight Sonata

Tonight Shane came over and took lovely pictures of Hannah, Lainie, and I outside in the dark. The last one is my favorite!

Photos by Shane Godfrey

Thursday, October 9, 2008

bye bye Nashville

So I spontaneously bought a ticket home for the next week. Home to NH to see my loves and my kitties and my lovely bed and new england fall colors. eeee!

mama sent me a box of lovely things from San Francisco. mountains of scarves and silk slips and such. I can't wait to go through it all. Plus some things I am packing, like my fake leather jacket and my plaid shirt, I cannot wait for the crisp fall air!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Mood, mood, mood

You know when you lay down to take a very nice nap and you end up sleeping for 3 1/2 hours without planning to? Yet you wake up disoriented and completely unsatisfied with said nap? That was my afternoon.

blouse - isaac mizrahi for target
jeans- f21
belt - thrifted
flats - gap
sunglasses - UO

Now I am going to make a nice dinner, study for my Intro to Fashion midterm, and listen to Flower by Deerhoof. Who wants to go see them with me when they come to Nashville???

Sunday, October 5, 2008


yesterday was my 21st birthday! Friday night my dear friend Aaron threw me a party!

I bought my dress off of Ebay from MakiMaki Vintage. It is amazing in real life, and I am so sad I did not get a shot of it from the back, because the shoulder strap thing does something really neat. I'll have to take another photo in it...unfortunately it needs some heavy cleaning and I ripped it at some point in the night. damn 100 proof vodka...

Before the party my friend Hannah cut my hair and styled it. It is probably my favorite thing ever, especially with the little lace bow she put in just before I walked out the door :)

Lend Me Your Teeth

Last weekend was the lovely Mackenzie's birthday, and my Hannah Doll came to visit! yay! Here are some shots from the party/show. Hannah's outfit was lovely and her hair was fabulous and rockabilly with little rolls and curls, however I did not manage to get any good pictures of either. boo.

my outfit!
hanes v-neck, cut into a tank
green denim skirt- white rabbit, from one of my favorite stores Local Honey

Miss Mack giving me a kiss! but it's really not necessary to see my face in this one, promise... oh and you can see the headband I made for her! With vintage feathers and a little black button

and here are some of hannahdoll in which you can kind of see her lovely hair.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pick Me Up and Dust Me Off

It's been a tiresome week. Stressful with midterms and exams and accounting. oh there is nothing I hate more right now than income statements and cash flows and owner's equity. ick ick ick. But thankfully tomorrow at 5 pm it will be over for the week and I can concentrate on much more important things, like my 21st birthday :). I'm crossing my fingers that the magnificent dress I ordered on ebay last week from makimaki vintage comes in before Friday because that is the last day of mail before fall break.
So because of my stressful state, an OUTFIT was required for today. Something special and dear to my heart. My lovely betsey purchase from last February in San Francisco. My love, my little maid dress. The funny looks from non-understanding Belmont students are not even phasing me today.

dress- betsey johnson
booties- BC
sunglasses- UO

p.s. i have changed the title of my blog because that is what I am calling my brand of little things I am selling. so. yes.